Date: April 27, 2020 ()

Bible Text: First Reading: ACTS 6:8-15; Gospel: JN 6:22-29 |


How does it look like working for the kingdom? In the early times, Christians showed their service for the kingdom by preaching the good news of Christ’s resurrection; teaching boldly the truth of who Christ is; living and dying for what they preach and teach.

In the modern world, martyrdom like the example of St. Stephen in the first reading is now a very seldom case. But, the martyrdom of some sort is still very much existent. For example: how many of us felt like a troubled outcast in a modern world that worships its own set of values totally different from the values of the gospel? The church is sometimes labeled as obsolete, fanatic, archaic, and without significance. And how insulting it is to hear some people say: The church is a good-moneymaking-business. How difficult it is to be accused of something we are totally not. On a Facebook comment section, I read somebody said: “No to Mass, No to Mass! … your Mass cannot save you from the virus!” In reality, some people really try to martyr or torture our faith until such time we are tempted to lose it.

In our Gospel today, people came to Jesus because they knew the Lord will provide them something to eat. Yes indeed, Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish and fed the five thousand men. This should make us think about how important it is now to believe in Jesus, even just by the fact that He can do signs and wonders. But after Jesus satisfied their physical hunger, he brought their attention to a more important thing to do. Jesus challenged them to work, not for food that cannot last, but for food that endures to eternal life. In a sense, Jesus is calling on them to get their priorities right, to put the most energy into what is ultimately important - to follow Him.

During the great temptation at the desert, Jesus defeated the devil’s lure by saying: “One does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.” The Gospel is inviting us to prioritize and serve the Lord more than anything else. “What can we do to accomplish the works of God?” Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in the one He sent.”