Liturgical ministry is an excellent opportunity to fulfill your baptismal call of service to one another.  Our liturgies utilize the talents and gifts that God has given this community to the fullest extent.  Whether participation is through “behind the scenes” preparation and planning or through a public role of service within the Mass, parishioner contributions help our liturgies to be truly life-giving celebrations.  Please prayerfully consider joining one of these ministries.

If you would like to learn more about or join a liturgical ministry, please contact the parish office at 724-863-9550.

Acolyte & Cross Bearer

An Acolyte or a Cross Bearer can be a boy or girl who has displayed responsibility to duties needed as an altar server to be promoted in order to take on new and additional responsibilities within the Mass. Instructions are provided and much care given to these very important assignments.

Altar Servers

Parishioners who express an interest in serving the parish by serving around the altar for Mass or other liturgies may be trained to assist in this ministry. This ministry is open to children, youth and adults.

Servers, both boys and girls, assist the celebrant at Mass and other liturgical functions with dignity and reverence. Children who have received First Eucharist are eligible from the fourth grade on. Servers prepare the worship area, light candles, hold the books used at Mass and preparation for the consecration.  Individuals must meet special training requirements.

Adult servers are also needed to serve for funerals and special occasions.


Those chosen as Sacristans are always under the general direction of the clergy. They undertake the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations, including all that is needed for special liturgies such as Christmas, Holy Week and other holy days of obligation. The Sacristan is also responsible for having the proper number of Eucharistic Ministers at each Mass.

Funeral Servers

The Funeral Servers are devoted to tending to the altar at each funeral here at Immaculate Conception.

Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion

Eucharistic Ministers distribute the Body and Blood of our Lord at all Masses. They truly recognize the significance and true presence of our Lord in the Eucharist. Parishioners who express an interest in distributing Holy Communion during Mass may be trained and commissioned to assist in this ministry. Even as all Catholics should have a deep reverence for our Lord Jesus Christ in the gift of the Eucharist, some parishioners hear that call to present Christ to others through this ministry.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion minister to the sick and homebound of our parish and must be at least 16 years old. Their mission is to provide spiritual support and care, as well as communion to those members of our congregation who cannot be physically present because of illness or old age. The sick and homebound are reminded through these ministers that we are a loving, caring faith community that reaches out and cares for the needs of its members.


The Lectors of our parish proclaim the readings from Scripture and announce the intentions for the general intercessions. Our Lector Ministry calls for a person to grow in a warm and loving knowledge of Scripture and the living Word of God. They are invited to be good communicators and a storyteller of the richness of God’s love for His people.

Parishioners who express an interest in proclaiming the word of God during Mass or at other liturgies may be trained to assist in this ministry. Even as all Catholics should have a love for our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the word made flesh, some parishioners hear that call to proclaim Christ’s message to others through this ministry. Readers/lectors must be at least 14 years old.


Our ushers welcome all to the parish and help with finding seats at busy times as well as sharing the bulletin news with a warm smile. Additional duties include inviting families to present the gifts, taking up the collection, helping with the communion procession and making sure the church looks neat after everyone leaves. Ushers also provide assistance in cases of emergencies. Ushers may be youth or adults men and women who are comfortable in working with others.


Catechists (teachers of the faith) assist the Faith Formation Director with the religious education of the children. Catechists must meet special training requirements and are subject to required PA Child Services Law background checks.  Please contact the Faith Formation Director of the Parish for more information.


The Marthas is a service ministry at Immaculate Conception Church. They meet every Thursday in front of the St. Joseph altar after the 7:45 AM Mass/Divine Mercy Chaplet. After offering a prayer and a hymn, they disperse to their maintenance assignments, which may include dusting, sweeping, mopping, wiping and vacuuming pews, changing holy water and straightening literature. They are responsible for both sacristies, the altar, the confessionals, the chapel, the choir loft, and the congregational area. Their overall mission is to provide a clean, welcoming, hospitable house for the brothers and sisters who will gather here to worship. If you would like to assist, meet the “Marthas” at the scheduled time.