Date: April 23, 2020 ()

Bible Text: First Reading: ACTS 5:27-33; Gospel: JN 3:31-36 |


Nothing should stop us from loving God because nothing can stop God from loving us.

A woman named Lisa on losing a dear husband in the fateful 9/11 said: “September 11 has shown me the reality of eternity in a dynamic way these past few months. When I’m overwhelmed with sadness at what I’ve lost in this life, he (God) is quick to give me his eternal perspective. ‘Lisa, this life is just a blip on the radar screen compared to your future with me in heaven.’ He says, ‘The best thing that you can imagine on earth is garbage compared to what awaits you.’ (Decision Magazine, 8) This sounds like St. Paul after having seen the irresistible greatness of the Love of Christ and the glory of God unfolded before him, everything of the past was nothing but garbage.

No one else, who has encountered Jesus, cannot remain in his old ways - there should be a change of the way one sees things: The kingdom of God becomes the pearl of great price. What is heavenly is a great treasure. “The one who comes from above is above all (Jn 3:31).” Says the beginning of our gospel today. This is how the new eyes of faith look at things now.

In the first reading, the temple officials had been warning the apostles: “We gave you strict orders did we not, to stop teaching in that name.” They were apparently prevented to preach the gospel, but the words we hear today from Peter and the apostles were courageous: “We must obey God rather than men.” These words were of those who realized that what matters now is to live in the good news that the Lord has risen. They may not have understood how it happened but being made witnesses to the glory of the resurrection; to the breaking out of light and life from the darkness of the tomb is truly life-changing.

A Filipino saint named San Lorenzo Ruiz, when forced to renounce his faith by a terrible ‘gallows and pit’ torture, said: “I will die a thousand deaths for my faith.” To him who has been totally changed and made alive by the power of Christ’s resurrection, no threats of life can stop him from following the Lord. Nothing should stop us from loving God because nothing can stop God from loving us. Whatever circumstance we are into, even with our church doors locked, we continue to remain with Him, stay connected with Him, because there is nothing more important to us now than to abide in His lasting and life-giving love.