Yesterday we looked at the book of revelation and saw that it is not scary to those who are faith-filled disciples through times of great trial and testing. Like now during this pandemic, we who look to the Lord will be raised up in faith, courage, and love. We will ultimately share His crown of glory. So persevere and keep watch!!!

Revelation chapter 3 continues to emphasize the need to be “all in” trusting not in the world or living in fear of worldly events but to be pure of mind, heart, and soul! Purity is the continuous trust and love of God’s plan and desire to stay the course.

Painting of Jesus knocking on a door.“I am standing at the door, knocking. If one of you hears Me calling and opens the door, I will come in to share his meal, side by side with him. Those who prove victorious I will allow to share my throne, just as I was victorious myself and took my place with my Father on his throne.”
~Rev 3:20

The famous painting of Jesus knocking on the door emphasizes that it can only be open from within! Jesus can knock on our hearts call our name but we must answer. His desire is to sit at your table side by side! Those who act in this way will be rewarded in the heavenly banquet.

This passage parallels the gospel story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus! The disciples who are overwhelmed with grief cannot hear the voice of Jesus so they wander away from His presence. But when Jesus joins them on the way he gently knocks on their hearts by “speaking to them directly” the scriptures that reveals Him as the Messiah. “On the way” they hear his voice and then open the door to their hearts to Him!! When they reflect on this encounter they said: “Were not our Hearts Burning with us!!” Because they opened their hearts they followed by inviting Him to sit side by side with them and it was there that they came to know who he was in the breaking of the bread!!!

Painting of Jesus sharing a meal with the disciples.Once we share in the Word of God spoken and revealed to us our hearts are open! Once we sit side by side with Him at the table we know Him in the breaking of the Bread!! Both of these passages speak of the Sacred Mass!!!

I know that in this time of the pandemic we cannot share in the gathering at sacred Mass. I know watching it on video and making a spiritual communion is not the same thing. And it will never replace what sacred Mass really is for us…the sharing and hoping of sharing at the eternal table now and in Heaven!!! BUT… watch the mass on OSM and know you are joined with your faith community and your priest who love you very much. Attend with hearts open and souls aching for nourishment so when we do return to the Mass will be the most important event of your week and your life!!!