Four days away from the biggest Catholic event in the post-COVID Era has me so excited and full of Joy!

The pandemic has broken down the very fiber of our Catholic Community robbing us of congregational gathering and the reception of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist!

Praying at home, watching Mass on OSM, and making “Spiritual Communions” was the resolve of souls who were placed in a Catholic wasteland… in a desert… seeking to survive a fast from Spiritual food and growth until the return of the bread of life and Sacred Mass could restore famished hearts and souls!

Many have returned from the darkness of self-quarantine over the past few months finding greater safety and solace in church than the home.

One parishioner described it in this manner: ” I was starving my soul in order to preserve my health and found my body had no life without the food of the Holy Eucharist!”


The truth is and the obligation now is that the Church must call all Faith-filled Catholics from this “Fast” of a home quarantine to the altar of Christ and the Feast of Heaven.

Let’s put an end to Catholic Spiritual starvation and return to a life that leads to heaven!!

This Sunday, as all Catholics of all ages, who are not compromised by serious health issues, will once again place Sacred Mass as the priority of their week (and life) will gather like those who sought Jesus when He fed the 5000! We will say, in person, in one voice: “Give us this Bread Always!”


Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. on the grounds of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton parish, we will honor the awesome gift of our Catholic Faith in the Eucharist and the example of the Saints that lived and died for the Eucharist as the Bread of Life!

We will start in the church with the Blessed Eucharist enshrined in the monstrance for adoration followed by an outdoor procession making 11 stops at altars of honor in the names of Saints while seeking their intercession and praise to share the Joy of the true Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist!!

This procession is our Thanksgiving for the end of the long fast and abstinence from the Bread of Life! This Sacred act of worship will mark for us a new beginning of Catholic practice and call to holiness.

This event will be the do you “Remember when” event that will mirror the day of our first Holy Communion!! And that is no exaggeration. I know it will define my priestly ministry and love of my parish families!!

Please! Do not miss this celebration!! Make it an opportunity to reinforce into the life of your family and self what it means to be Catholic!!!

I pray you will join Father Roniel and me in this momentous celebration!!
Thank you!!

Father John