Latest News

New Parochial Vicar Announced

Important announcement from Bishop Larry J. Kulick: It is no secret that we are in a time of a diminishing number of ordained clergy, as well as a shifting, aging, and declining demographic reality in many parts of our Diocese. Without the support of our International Priest Missionaries, we [...]

2023-08-11T12:30:38-04:00August 5, 2023|Latest News|

Rite of Confirmation

Congratulations to all 88 8th-grade students from Immaculate Conception, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, as well as Sacred Heart and Ascension in Jeannette, who were confirmed by Bishop Kulick on May 10 and 11. May they become true adult Catholics inspired and led by the Holy Spirit. St. Elizabeth [...]

2023-05-21T01:05:00-04:00May 12, 2023|Latest News|

GriefShare Support Group

If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, we invite you to join us for GriefShare, a special 13-week support group designed to help you rebuild your life. The program is designed to create a place for grieving people to find comfort and encouragement after a loved [...]

2023-08-21T00:46:44-04:00August 20, 2022|Latest News|

Online Giving

What are the best ways for the Sunday Contribution to be given during this crisis? First of all, thank you for asking and continuing to support our parish in the weekly collection. Even though we are not celebrating Mass together, the staff and the facilities continue to be a financial concern. [...]

2020-03-24T18:08:29-04:00March 24, 2020|Latest News|

Bereavement Ministry

The Immaculate Conception Parish is introducing a Bereavement Ministry to provide prayer and support to the family member(s) of deceased members of our parish and to assure them their loved one will not be forgotten and that they are not alone. We will send a bereavement card from our parish [...]

2020-01-05T21:47:34-05:00January 5, 2020|Latest News|
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