Date: May 25, 2020 ()

Bible Text: |


The mission of the Son is to make the Father known. It took a while for the disciples to get it. But they finally understood it just when the hour of testing is about to happen. It’s a big thing to finally grasp it - that Jesus indeed came from His Father. This is so important because this is precisely the main reason why the Son was sent - to reveal to us the Father. Hence, if they understood the main thing, every other detail now can fall into the right place.

Jesus further deepens their understanding of His relationship with the Father. He is not only like any servant sent from above but He is intimately the Son, one in being with the Father. Wherever He is, there also is the Father.

“Behold, the hour is coming and has arrived when each of you will be scattered to his own home and you will leave me alone. But I am not alone, because the Father is with me.” The Lord Jesus’ closeness with His Father serves as His assurance and source of peace in this troubled world.

The Mary Knoll Fathers who became missionaries to the different dioceses of my home country left us a beautiful impact on our faith. I assumed a newly established parish where a Mary Knoll priest ministered for 13 years. The people were so touched by the holiness of the priest, of his kindness and devotion to the celebration of the sacraments. One of the great testimonies I heard was that this priest used to drive poor patients to a hospital that would take them a whole day challenging trip to get there. At least, five Mary Knoll Fathers served my home diocese and they were all kind-hearted.

What was the source of peace and joy for these Holy priests to leave their beautiful American Home and serve the poor in the Philippines? Most of these missionaries actually expressed their desires to die there. They found a home in those areas where they were mostly alone with only the Lord being their companion.

Today is Memorial Day. We honor the memory of great Americans who offered their lives in the service of others. We look up to their legacy as truly an ideal of the American Spirit. We keep their good deeds ever alive in our hearts that we may emulate their example - being holy missionaries, brave soldiers, benevolent men and women, and godly patriots whose strength emanates from their faith in God.