Date: April 1, 2020 ()

Bible Text: First Reading: DN 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Gospel Reading: JN 8:31-42 |


“If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

What makes man free? Jesus in today’s gospel implies that freedom is not necessarily about “being not subordinate” to someone else. There are so many who claimed themselves free in a sense of being licensed to do whatever they want, but unfortunately felt enslaved and miserable. But freedom is about our knowledge of the truth.

Later Jesus speaks to us that He is the truth Himself and we know and understand Him as the Wisdom and the Word of God made flesh. To abide by His words is to be free. Jesus is the source of freedom as well.

In one of the meditations at the stations of the cross, we hear these words: “Your will is yours…no one can take it from you.” One may be under a dictator’s rule like Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego but it does not mean they are not free. Freedom is having the courage to love the Lord and live by His statutes despite the threats of life. Freedom cannot be shackled by a debilitating fear.

In his Laudato Si, Pope Francis boldly preaches about Care of Creation which radically challenges the culture of indifference, particularly towards mother nature. The Pope, to me, is the freest person - one who has no fear to witness the truth and proclaim the radical message of the gospel. There’s a senior priest who was a friend of mine back in the Philippines who exemplified to me boldness to preach the Word of God. He critically pointed out some social ills to the extent of sometimes hurting the egos of concerned authorities; and when asked, “are you not afraid?” He said: “You’re not afraid when you are at the side of the truth.”

Truth will set us free. And we should not fear when we are at the side of God. The martyrs were free to offer their lives for the faith because they knew they were with the Lord. We fear not even death, because we know that nothing can separate us from the love of God.